Friday, December 22, 2006

Dog Whisperer

We don't have TV channels here and we love it. But when we got a puppy, my friend said we should watch "The Dog Whisperer". So I told her we don't have TV and she taped some episodes for me and sent me the tape. We watched a couple of episodes and this guy really is amazing. His techniques really do work too, even with a puppy.

He is not a pet trainer, but more of a pet psychologist that helps pets and their owners with any problems they are having. These dogs that he helps change so dramatically and quickly it is unbelievable. I highly recommend this show to anyone with a dog, whether you have any problems or not. He shows you a whole new way to treat your pets and how they should act within the family. He focuses on the importance of the people being dominant and the dogs being submissive in your household and that first comes exercise, then obedience, and then affection.



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