Monday, February 26, 2007

Evaluation time

My husband had a revelation of sorts the other night when we were discussing our current situation and new goals. We like to have these types of big talks every few months to make sure we are on the same page, evaluate our lives, and to brainstorm about new ideas. We have both been feeling a bit "down" lately and weren't sure why since we live exactly where we want to be and are self-employed. We thought we would be happier once we moved here and got out of the "rat race" that is corporate America.

Of course, some of what we've been feeling is just "winter blues" and the weather affects our mood tremendously. But the revelation came when my husband said that maybe we feel bad because everything is so clear now. When you work the 9 to 5 daily grind, your mind is clouded with all these names, numbers, and acronyms that don't really matter in your life. You do the same thing over and over every day and you don't have time or energy to divert from your current mindset. So when you clear your head of all the extras, it becomes really apparent what is missing. For us I think part of it is not having many friends. We've met some really great people and I've met a few ladies I consider good friends, but my husband has been busy working on the internet so much he hasn't had a chance to meet many people. Since we moved away from all our family and friends in Colorado, we are missing connections with people.

We've only been here seven months, so in time we'll meet people. But sometimes it gets a little lonely. It is especially hard in the winter when you can't get out and hike or explore the town which is what we really love to do. Hopefully in the spring when I start showing my paintings in Basin Park and at the Artist Colony we will meet some fellow artists and possibly make some new friends.

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