Friday, February 09, 2007

Yes or no?

Since my husband and I have gotten into the paid blogging business, we have been struggling for time on the computer. He uses it also for other business, and for music, so it is hard for us to split the time on the computer to do all the blogging we need to do. We are considering buying a laptop so I can work on blogging and not have to worry about when the computer will be available.

I hate to spend the money, since we are struggling to make enough to live on as it is, but I think it would really help us in the long run. I could do more blogs to make more money and not have to worry about interrupting him while he is working. Plus, we can spend more time together while we are both working. Another plus is that I could work from the laptop anywhere in the house, which is convenient when you have kids.

I think we're gonna go for it - this purchase is more than justified.

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At 6:43 AM, Blogger jolibe said...

I think you should definitely get a laptop. In fact, I thought you already had two computers (his & hers) - no wonder you tend to poat first thing in the morning!


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