Friday, January 25, 2008

Down with microwave popcorn!

We have made popcorn the old-fashioned way (on the stove) for quite some time now, just because we like the taste and smell better than the microwave variety which usually ends up slightly charred. This reminds me of a funny story from my very first job working at a movie theater when I was sixteen years old.

My manager didn't have a problem with customers bringing in their own candy and snacks, so long as it wasn't microwave popcorn. See, he believed that the smell of microwave popcorn would turn customers off from buying popcorn from our popcorn machines, so if he smelled microwave corn, he would go around checking customers until he found the culprit and would make them remove the offending popcorn from the theater. Of course, me and all the other employees thought this was ridiculous, but it was fun to watch.



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