What's in a name
Since my major in college was Fine Arts, with an emphasis on Commercial Design, I scrutinize company logos more than the average Joe. I remember one of our projects in Design class was to take an existing logo and update it. Looking at all those logos you realize that some logos are great and work perfectly well for the company (like Mobil gasoline), while others just don't fit (like YES paste).
Then I see logos like the one for Sony Vaio and I just don't know what to think. True, it is modern, cool, and sleek - which are probably all the things an electronics company would want you to think about them. My concern is the lack of legibility. It took me a long time to even be able to read the logo, so I didn't know what the company name was at all. Now that they have been around for a few years, perhaps the logo has become recognizable enough for people, so most know it spells "vaio" by now.
Labels: art, Design, electronics
Hello, I'm 'new' to ES also. My wife and I have been coming here since '98 and finally made the move in'07. We absolutely love it here! I enjoy your blog but like most bloggers, I don't respond to everything I read, suffice it to say, you are being read. There are some other bloggers in the area that are fascinating reads, Wisdom of the Hands and Jumping Off Cliffs to name a couple of them. Good luck on your art and keep on blogging.
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