Monday, January 22, 2007

Life without TV

I'm not sure if I've mentioned before that we are a non-television viewing family. We do have a TV, but we only watch our own videos and some we rent from the library. I immediately saw an improvement in my children and the "I want that" factor decreased instantly from lack of TV commercials. We save lots of money by not paying for cable or satellite TV. Even when we used to have cable, it was always on a kid's channel anyway. They would always fight to watch one of "their shows". Since we have so many kids' movies, why pay extra for kid channels on TV too - just let them watch their own videos. The nice thing is that kids this age don't mind watching the same movies over and over again, in fact they prefer it.

Anyway, we are very happy without TV, thank you very much. We get all our news from the internet and the radio (and our relatives). In the case of missing TV, I say "ignorance is bliss."


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