Friday, March 23, 2007

Decisions and their impact

mindbump suggested by Bandpox

"Describe a recent decision that made a huge impact on your life, and consider what life would be like if you had done things a little differently."

Well, a recent decision that made a huge impact on my life was picking up everything and moving across the country from Colorado to Arkansas. Here, we can be self employed and hopefully make enough money to live by our own creative devices like painting, web design, photography, etc. We may have to pick up odd jobs here and there to fill in the gaps, but I can't see us ever relying on "corporate America" jobs for sustenance.

If we had remained in Colorado, we would have payed way too much for a house and either my husband would be stuck in his life-draining corporate job and we would be struggling to live on one income, or we would both have to work and then pay big bucks for daycare for our two children. I definitely think we made the right decision for our family.

ps. If you find yourself with "blog block" and can't think of anything to write, check out for inspiration like I did.



At 4:02 AM, Blogger Marie said...

Thanks for the great tip :)


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