Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Help - Pink eyes!!

As if the ear infections weren't bad enough, now my son has a horrible case of conjunctivitis (aka Pink Eye). He keeps rubbing his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt and as a result they are all puffy and sore. To make matters even worse, he won't let us clean them at all, so they are all full of crusties. So gross. Poor little guy.

We've been trying to put antibiotic eye drops in, but he throws a huge fit and shakes his head so we can't get them in. We managed a couple of times today, so that's good. He is just so miserable and it looks really bad. My daughter had it last week, but only for three days since we were able to use the drops on her. We'll just have to force the eye drops with him, I guess. My neighbor suggested laying warm teabags over his closed eyes. She says that's the only thing that works for her. I tried this morning, but he refused that also. I even tried making it into a "Pirate Eye Patch" game, but he didn't fall for it...

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