Sunday, May 06, 2007

Dog food recipe

In light of all the dog food recalls, I have decided to make all the food and treats for our puppy. It was pretty scary to see the recall list and find out the milkbones we had been giving her daily had been contaminated with rat poison.

Here is the food recipe I have been using for three weeks with great success:

Dog Food

1 bag frozen peas (or 1 can peas)
2 carrots (chopped)
2 cups rice
1 cup rolled oats
1 pound ground beef
1 pound chicken livers with juice
2 eggs
1 tsp garlic powder

Place all ingredients in crockpot.
Cook on low setting for 4-5 hours.

Cook 2 cups (dry) of additional rice separately and mix with the meat mixture when it is done.
(makes approximately 20 servings of 1 cup each)

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At 10:18 AM, Blogger jolibe said...

What a good alternative - it's much more healthy than all the preservatives and "junk" and byproducts in the mainstream dogfoods.
We feed our dog a "human grade" dog food by Blue Buffalo Company, called "Blue". We get it for around $2/lb here at Petsmart. Since our dog is so big, she eats about 4 cups a day, so the pre-made stuff is much easier on us than making her food from scratch!


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