Saturday, March 22, 2008

Practical solution

So after weeks of my 3 year old wetting the bed about once a week, I got annoyed by the smell of his room in the morning and having to rush to do laundry while trying to get ready for work. If he had a foam mattress it would be even more difficult to clean, but we needed a new solution none-the-less. We had already tried putting him in Pull-ups at bedtime, but he adamantly refused because they look too much like diapers and he was a "big boy" now. Point taken.

I had looked for the plastic diaper covers before and could not find them anywhere, but I decided to look again because those would work for our bedtime situation. I finally found them at Wal-Mart, way on the very bottom rack in the cloth diaper section. They do make the plastic covers up to size 3T, so it would be nice to put them in the toddler underwear section too, but that's just my opinion.

We had to hide the package from my son, since it had a picture of the Gerber baby on the front. There was no way I could sabotage this idea by having him think these things were for babies. When we got home, I discreetly unpackaged them and removed all traces of babies from the wrapper. Then I pulled out a pair and saw that the baby picture was also on the tag, so I cut it off before introducing them to my son as his "Protector Underwear."

Success!! He accepted them with no problem, puts them over his underwear for sleeping and takes them off in the morning when he wakes up. He went three days with no accident, so I still wasn't sure how they would hold up - but this morning, he woke up early after wetting his pants. The plastic covers worked perfectly. His underwear was soaked, but everything else was totally dry. I'm sure after feeling how wet they got, his bed wetting will lessen, but until then we have the "Protector Underwear" on our side!

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