Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I just can't do it Captain!

There are certain things I just can't bring myself to pay money for. One of those is haircuts and colors. I have cut my own hair and my whole family's hair for years with great results. I also dye my own hair because the salon is outrageously overpriced for coloring and I have only been disappointed once, which was easily fixed the next day.

Another area I don't like to spend money is on herbal supplements and weight loss. For example, I've wanted to try hoodia ever since I heard of the benefits, but I just can't shell out the dough. So I keep drinking my green tea (for the antioxidants) and walking as much as I can (for the exercise and the fresh air). Some people achieve great things with herbal assistance, and that's wonderful for them, but I'm just keeping it simple for now.

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