Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Opps fluctuating

It's weird, but the open advertising opportunities on PayPerPost have been fluctuating like crazy the last couple of weeks. Right around New Year's, there were none to choose from for us. Meaning all the opps wanted at least PR2 blogs and mine is not popular yet since I just started four months ago. There were only 35 opps total on the whole list.

A couple days later, there popped up a whopping 150 opportunities! So all the bloggers, myself included, went crazy trying to snatch some up before they were all gone. They dwindled fairly quick, but I was able to get my two posts in each day for a couple of weeks. Then all of a sudden, two days ago, we were out of opps again. Then today, there are 80 available. So if you are just starting PPP, don't get discouraged if you have a few slow days, because it seems to pick back up in no time.

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