Monday, February 12, 2007

Weird sicknesses

There is a strange sickness going around right now. Last Wednesday, my daughter suddenly got a high fever at school and was complaining of head and stomach ache, so I had to pick her up. She slept most of the day, threw up once late in the afternoon, and felt better almost instantly after that.

Yesterday, my son woke up from his nap with a very high fever of 103. I gave him Tylenol and it went down in a few hours and he seemed to feel better. Then at dinnertime, he started feeling hot and acting crabby again. He wanted to go to bed right after dinner, so we let him. He woke up a couple of times during the night, but that is nothing unusual.

This morning he was fine, then this afternoon he woke up from his nap with a high fever of 103 again. This is so weird, I've never seen only a fever with no other symptoms before. I hope he recovers as quickly as my daughter did.

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