Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The "techno" generation

While technology sometimes gets a bad rap for all the health problems it causes for kids: bad eyesight, laziness, lack of sunshine, attention span disorders, etc. I believe there are good things for the kids of today as well. For example, my daughter loves watching the "special features" on DVDs. She enjoys learning how movies are made and especially how they do the make up on characters in movies like "The Grinch" and "Planet of the Apes". Also, if the movie is a little scary, we can show the kids that it is just a mask or animatronics. I would've loved that as a kid, since I got scared of movies lots of times.

The other side of the coin is this - do they lose the magic of the movies? If they know that everything is made up, can they truly enjoy the film? I believe my children still enjoy the movies very much, and we only watch the special features after viewing the film in its entirety.

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At 7:32 AM, Blogger jolibe said...

I believe everything in moderation. I don't agree with the parents out there who want to completely restrict TV, computers, video games, etc. In this day and age of the "techno generation", if you aren't "techno savvy" you are at an extreme disadvantage, especially in school and the job market.


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