Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Movie Review: Cars

OK, so I know the movie "Cars" by Pixar has been out for awhile, but we just watched it yesterday because our kids got it for Christmas. My daughter had seen it in the theatre with her Nana and loved it, and we wanted to see it but the time just passed and we never did. Anyhow, we finally saw it and it is great!

I really like the message of the story, which is to slow down your pace of life and to love what you do and the people around you. It's also about all the little towns in America that have virtually become ghost towns because of big interstate highways. These towns used to be on the highway, but when they came through and made the highway systems bigger and more direct, these towns got "bypassed" to save driving time.

In the "extra features" on the DVD, they have a segment all about Route 66 and how it has changed over the years and the towns that suffered when the new highway was built. They make a comment that people used to travel just for the sake of traveling and the thrill of discovery. Now, people just travel to a pre-set destination and try to get there as fast as they can, with the fewest stops or detours. I believe some of life's greatest moments happen during detours, so take the time to explore...


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