Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Still walking

Even though the weather has been on the cold side, I have been trying to walk daily for several reasons. Number one - the dog really needs it. We have a three month old puppy with tons of energy and if I don't walk her, she goes nuts in the house with the kids. Number two - I just feel like I need the fresh air. I am so accustomed to walking daily now, that I miss it when I can't go. They say it takes 21 days to form a habit, so if you work out daily for 21 days - it will be a habit for you.

I have been walking three miles a day for several months now, and still have not been losing weight like I expected. I think I figured out the problem when I read a blog by a personal trainer - I have portion distortion. She explains how America has become so accustomed to seeing huge portions on our plate at restaurants, that now we serve way to much at home too. She gives great advice on how to cut back slowly so you and your family won't miss the extra food. I tried serving less and just assumed everyone would want second helpings, but to my surprise they didn't. I also served the food on smaller plates so it would still look like a lot of food on the plate.

In addition to walking, I need to add weight training to my regimen also. This will add muscle, which makes you burn more calories all the time, even while you sleep. The theory behind losing weight is simple: burn more calories than you take in. Like many things in this world, it is easier said than done. I just have to keep trying and work harder!

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