Monday, July 23, 2007

Housing market discrepancies

There is some buzz around town that the housing prices are on the rise, but what I've seen is prices all over the board. Some houses seem to be priced too low and we're worried that we paid too much for our house or the neighborhood values will decrease. Then there are some houses that are priced way high for the square footage, but since most are historic homes there are many improvement dollars to be considered. Still, a buyer would be ridiculous to spend over $250K in this market on a tiny house, even if it is a restored Victorian.

Before putting a house up for sale, the seller would be wise to conduct lots of market research before listing their home. Check out other homes near by, what they have sold for and when, improvements to the house and neighborhood, percentage of asking price sold for, etc. If you use a real estate agent, they will give you an idea of what they think you should list your home for, but you still make the final decision. The more information you gather on your own, the better prepared you will be to put your home on the market, get the money you want to make, but not take years to sell your house.

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