Friday, October 05, 2007

Itchin for vacation

I was talking to my sister the other day on the phone and she sounded kind of disappointed in her life. She is still young at 27, but is worried she won't meet a quality guy to settle down and start a family with. She also feels like she needs a vacation. She mentioned either going to a beach town, or visiting Las Vegas. Last time she went for a billiards tournament, they stayed at the Imperial Palace Las Vegas and had a great time. Personally, I don't think Las Vegas is a great choice for a relaxing vacation, but maybe for some people it is.

I can unwind much better with lots of outdoor activities, more connection with nature, and less noises filling my head. Not having a schedule is definitely a good thing on vacation as well. Just relax and focus on the moment...

Of course, I'm trying to convince her to come visit us here in lovely Eureka Springs! She's only been here to visit once and we didn't get out much because it was raining most of the time. Well, maybe this winter she'll decide to forgo Denver's deep snow and spend some time here during our off-season with hardly any tourists.

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