Monday, October 29, 2007

Party small, but successful

We had the first of what we hope will be our annual Halloween Party last night. We opted for Sunday night because many of our friends work in restaurants and Friday and Saturday nights just don't work well with schedules. We invited about twelve families including their children, and only about twelve people total showed up. So we had way too much food and drink, and we have many leftovers. But the people that came seemed to enjoy themselves and there were no "awkward" moments that sometimes happen, since it was mostly my library co-workers and their families, plus a couple of other friends.

I think the small turnout was due to the fact that it was on a school night and the party started at 7:00pm. I just can't see starting a Halloween party when it is still light outside. Plus, since Halloween is coming in a couple of days, parents probably figured their kids will have one late night already this week and didn't want to add a second. Oh well, maybe we'll have a higher turnout next year...

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