Saturday, October 13, 2007

Status symbols

I used to wear a lot more jewelry and "accessories" with my outfits, but after having babies, it's hard to wear anything other than rings and maybe a watch. Why? Because babies pull on anything they can grab, especially if it is shiny. I've had necklaces broken and earrings nearly yanked through my earlobe by curious baby hands. It's easier to just go without. Now that my babies are over that phase, I still only wear my wedding ring and sometimes a watch. It just seems silly to spend time picking out jewelry to wear every day. I prefer spending those extra minutes in bed preparing to face the day.

When I do wear jewelry, I prefer simple and practical rather than fancy over-the-top brands like Rolex. They are basically just status symbols to show off wealth and I, for one, am not impressed. Rolex watches cost upwards of $26,000!! If I had that much money to spend, you better believe I would spend it on traveling around the world for a year.

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