OK, my wonderful friend
Mile High Mommy has decided that I should share 12 random Christmas-related facts about myself. I've got a bit of time before the elementary school Christmas party, so I'll give it a go...
1. I don't know what happened, but Christmas totally snuck up on me this year. I've felt stressed and rushed for the last couple of weeks.
2. Since all of our relatives live in another state, we have to get everything ready even earlier so we can get it in the mail on time.
3. Our dog has ruined about eight ornaments already, even though we only decorated the top half of the tree.
4. Sadly, I wasn't that upset about throwing them away... I guess I'm not as attached to that stuff as I thought I was.
5. Just when I thought I was done sending out Christmas cards, we received some from people I didn't expect to get cards from... So now I have to send a few more last minute cards to be polite.
6. Thankfully, my kids don't have their hearts set on actually "seeing" Santa in person every year. We saw him last year and they both kind of "clammed up", so this year we just wrote lists. It's like, if we see him, we see him... If we don't, we don't. No big deal.
7. School Christmas performances are way over-rated. Everyone just wants to see their kid and everything else before and after is usually a let-down, especially the rude parents in the audience who talk over the performance when you are trying to hear your kid sing.
8. My husband and I split up at a store since I had our 3-year old and we had some presents to buy. We didn't really plan on where to meet, but I figured I would just check out and go to the car. Then my son says, "Hi Daddy!" I look up, and he is right in front of me! He casually walked away from his cart (which was filled with bicycles and other stuff that didn't fit in bags) and walks over to us, pretending like it was someone else's cart. I think we fooled the kid, but if not, we will surely have some explaining to do.
9. This is the second year we will spend our Christmas away from relatives. We have a love/hate relationship with family gatherings so we are both saddened and relieved by our situation.
10. I like to drink Egg Nog around Christmas. I haven't bought any this year, however, because it is just so expensive! I swear, the price has gone up a lot on that stuff.
11. I will never wear clothes with a Christmas picture on it. Those look cute on a limited number of people (mostly kids under the age of 8) but usually they look pretty cheesy. I'm just not big on clothes that can only be worn one time a year.
12. We've been getting so many cookies and sweets at work, that we will all be as fat as Santa by the New Year!
Well, there you have it. I hope you enjoyed these little tidbits and Merry Christmas to you all!
Labels: holidays, meme