Saturday, April 12, 2008

Computer frenzy

Today was another busy day at the library, mostly due to computer use. We had three hours during the day where people had called ahead to make appointments, and we were booked up ahead of time for all five computers beforehand! That always makes me nervous because I don't like turning people away when we are full. Some days I feel like we are a laptop rental service and I can't imagine how we got along with only three desktops only one year ago.

On one hand, I think it's great that the computers draw more people to the library and has increased our circulation of books and movies. We have increased circulation by over 1,000 items per month since I started working there one year ago, which is quite impressive for a town of less than 2,500 residents. We now average approximately 6,000 items circulated per month.

But part of me is saddened to see a beautiful old library with computers all over the place. There is no beauty in technology and it takes away from the serenity of the architecture the way it was meant to be enjoyed. I guess you can't stop progress.

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At 7:57 AM, Blogger Dana and Daisy said...

Does the library offer free wifi if you bring in your own laptop? I've been wondering where I can hook up when I'm in Eureka? Any suggestions? Thanks!

At 3:59 PM, Blogger eureka mom said...

Hi Dana,
Yes, the library has free wifi 24/7. You can sit anywhere in the library during open hours, or outside on the porch or even out in your car and still get the wifi signal. It's great!


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