Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Gracefully aging

One of the concepts covered in "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle is becoming detached from your outside image. Getting out of the mode that your physical body is not essentially who "you" are is very difficult. Being a woman, it has been ingrained since a very young age that women must not be seen unless they look their best. My mom never leaves the house without make-up on, even if it is just a trip to the neighborhood grocery store.

I have gone through phases of not wearing any make-up (mostly when there was a newborn baby in my house), but have now settled on a very quick regimen of facial sunscreen, powder, and a little mascara daily. The funny thing is, when I wore no make-up at all, the only people to comment on it were my mother and my sister.

Now that I am in my thirties, I am starting to see some aging in my face. I don't exactly have the money to buy the best anti wrinkle cream, so I will just continue with preventative measures like daily sunscreen and sunglasses to prevent wrinkles from squinting. Aging gracefully is a matter of being in the right mindset.



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