Friday, February 27, 2009


I've never been to New York, but I have heard of all the "fake" designer brand merchandise that is sold there. Even the fakes have pretty high price tags, if you ask me. The most popular items are replica watches and purses or handbags. I say, if no one can tell the difference, you might as well save some money and go with the cheaper one. Maybe the designers will get a clue and lower their prices a bit to compete.

Then again, who am I kidding? Designers will always get their full prices from celebrities and the super-rich.

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Digital frames

Digital frames are a great way to display digital photos as a slideshow anywhere you have room for a photo frame. The only problem I see with them is that they use batteries, so if they are constantly running, they would go through batteries pretty quick.

For a child, a digital frame would be instant gratification so they could just take out the memory stick from their camera and plug it straight into the frame to view all their pictures.

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Friday, February 20, 2009

Improve your food

I am currently reading Susan Powter's book entitled "Food" for inspiration on eating healthier. I read her first book "Stop the Insanity" years ago and I really like her brash writing style and upbeat voice. She is a very strong woman who has been through a lot in her life, and shares her years of nutritional research with us.

She doesn't fall for dieting gimmicks, and would rather eat whole foods than take a weight loss pill. She believes even vitamins are a waste of money, preferring to get her daily supplements from fruits and vegetables. She also clears up much of the misinformation on food labels. I thought I knew how to read nutrition labels pretty well, but I learned a few valuable things from Susan's book. I would recommend this book to anyone interested in improving their health and eating habits.

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What is that noise?

We noticed a strange squeaking, clicking sound coming from our van whenever we turned the wheel. We took it in, and they said we needed a new axle on the passenger side. So we replaced that, then another weird, faster clicking sound started. This seemed awfully coincidental to me, but they claimed it must be something else, like stiff coilovers that needed lubrication. But the sound would come and go, and of course it was always quiet when a mechanic would listen. The sound seemed to fade, so we didn't worry about it.

Fast forward a few months, and the original squeaking click is back. I feel like just giving up since it is such an old car... Hey - it's 12 years old, but only has 145,000 miles on it. Cars should last a lot longer than that. I guess we'll keep band-aiding it to get a few more years out of it.


Thirst Rescheduled

Due to the record-breaking ice storm during the last week of January, we had to cancel the first Thursday Thirst book club. The date for the first meeting has been rescheduled to February 26th. We hope you'll join us in the Library Annex at 6pm to talk about Twilight!

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Monday, February 09, 2009

Eureka tourism

The recession hasn't really affected our town as much as most of the country, I suspect, since we are a tourist "hot spot." People may have cut back on expensive, exotic locations, but they are still taking vacations to small American towns like ours. Because tourism is so unpredictable, our town has always had a high turnover of businesses in town, even before the recession. It is common to see small business for sale signs in several shop windows, especially during the slow winter season.

I am confident that people will continue visiting Eureka Springs because it seems that this town makes a positive impression and stays with people, urging them to return. I know it happened to us, and all the people we've met that continue to visit or have decided to move here permanently.

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