Wednesday, December 13, 2006

And it's still hard to lose weight

Even though I have been walking all over the place, I still seem to be gaining weight. Maybe it's the usual "winter weight" that your body holds onto to stay warm, I'm not sure. You would think that I would be thinner since I walk 3 miles four or five times a week, pushing a stroller with a heavy toddler in it! I have been eating more sweets than usual, but overall I eat pretty healthy. It may be time to get some extra help...

I saw an advertisement in a magazine for a supplement called hoodia" and I wanted to learn more about it. I found a website about the Hoodia Diet Pill and it states that it is derived from Hoodia Gordonii cactus, which grows in South Africa. The natives have used this cactus as an appetite suppressant for generations. It is also supposed to enhance your mood. Sounds like a good PMS treatment for me!! That's when I'm the most moody and tend to pig out.

Anyway, they say that right when you take the hoodia pill, your mood improves instantly, then you feel like you've just eaten a satisfying meal. The potency is 10,000 times more than glucose at sending the message to your brain that your body is not hungry. In clinical trials, people ate as much as 40% less than they normally would.

Hmmmm, maybe this is worth a try. I am more likely to try products that are derived from nature, rather than totally processed and fake.

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