Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Do spelling and grammar still count?

mindbump suggested by Spelling Search

"How important are spelling and grammar in the world of blogging? Is it the thought that really counts, or does lack of formality destroy the message?"

I believe that spelling and grammar are important no matter what you are writing. Unfortunately, I seem to be one of the few bloggers who believe this is true. Ever since the start of email, people have become increasingly lax in their grammar in messages. I think text messaging on cellular phones increased the problem, since people try to get their message across with the fewest amount of characters. This is when everyone started using 4 (for) and U (you) and all kinds of acronyms like BTW (by the way), LOL (laugh out loud), and SAHM (stay-at-home-mom).

These have carried over into the email world for sure and it's just a matter of time before blogs start looking like encrypted messages since everyone is too busy to sit down and write a proper post.

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