Thursday, March 29, 2007

Get your blog posts voted on

If you have trouble making your way through the monstrous beast that is the "blogosphere", you can use the genius organization of a site like and view a sampling of the most popular blog posts for the day, week, or month. You can store your favorite blogs in a central location to read them all at once, or view based on categories and tags.

When reading through the blogs, you can either give them a "High Five" if you like the post, or a "Pound" if you don't. All the votes are based on viewer opinions, not technological robots looking at statistics. It is refreshing to see some human element in the area of page ranking for a change. Google's page rank system is based on how old the blog is and how many relevant incoming links your blog has.

You can submit your own blog for review, or you can submit a post or blog that you like and want to share with others. The site is new, so there are not a whole lot of members signed up yet, but since they are advertising through PayPerPost bloggers, I'm sure their popularity will increase by leaps and bounds very quickly.

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