Monday, April 09, 2007

Tick on the boy!

Ewww, I just had to tweeze a tick off my son's shoulder. I knew it would happen eventually, since we've found three on our dog, but it is totally different on a child. It didn't seem to bother him at all, though. He even said it tickled when we pulled it out. It's fascinating to me how something so small can get such a good grip on the skin and how hard you have to pull to get it off.

I guess we should have known when we moved to an area with a mild climate and lots of vegetation, there would be lots of bugs too. Oh well, no place is perfect.

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At 7:17 PM, Blogger jolibe said...

Yucky! I have the creepy-crawlies just reading about it!!! My sis lives in OK and they deal with that stuff almost year round too...I think I'll pass - I really hate humidity and bugs! From what I've heard, you have to be very careful just pulling them out, especially if they've embedded themselves - their head will stay in the skin! Talk about gross! Oh yeah, and they like to migrate to warm areas, like in your hair! I would be on tick patrol on myself and my kids from now on - and get some of the Advantix stuff for your dog or she'll be bringing ticks and fleas and whatever other bugs into your house all the time!


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