Sunday, December 17, 2006

This is a great town for artists

There is a new artist colony that opened in October over on North Main Street here in Eureka Springs. We heard all about it and unfortunately were unable to make it to the opening celebration. I have read a few articles about it since then and what I heard was that it was studio/gallery space for artists and we could rent out the spaces on a monthly basis. The studios are open to the public and the artists are required to work in their studios at least two days a week.

The idea is that when people see you do the artwork, they feel more connected to the piece and are hopefully more likely to buy it. I think this is definitely true as I have been to festivals where artists are working and their art sells like hotcakes.

This week, I read an article that mentioned the colony had open outdoor spaces created for non-member artists to come and set up their artwork for sale at no charge to the artist. I am really excited about this because I had been trying to start painting again, but I wasn't sure how to go about selling any pieces. I know there are lots of arts festivals here, but you usually have to pay for booth space for those. Another option is the Basin Park. There are always artists and musicians set up there with pieces to sell. I wonder if you need a license to do that? Well, since the Basin is right across the street from the Court House, I could set up there and I would find out pretty quick if it was allowed or not!

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