Sunday, December 17, 2006

Improving my health

For the last few months, I have been very tired all the time. It was to the point that if I would sit on the couch, I would fall asleep. I assumed my thyroid meds had to be increased and that would solve it all. Well, I had a blood test, and I did have the meds increased a bit, but my levels weren't off that much for how bad I was feeling. Then I started gaining weight and getting cold sores on my lips which I've gotten before, but only once or twice a year.

In October, I had the worst cold sore I've ever had - to the point where I didn't even want to get out of bed, let alone leave the house and go in public! Luckily, it was cold that week, so I wore a scarf around my neck that covered my mouth. Anyway, that led me to do some research on vitamins and minerals that could help my health. Since then, I have been taking lots more vitamins and have been watching my salt and sugar intake, which can cause sores for me.

I have noticed an increase in my energy levels, and I didn't get a cold sore in two months. I did get one yesterday, but as of today it is almost gone already which is a big change - usually they last a week. I expected to get one this time of year with all the Christmas hustle and bustle and the weather changes. Plus, I have been sick with bronchitis and I always get cold sores after I am sick. I will stick to the vitamins, though, because I definitely think they are helping me.



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