Snowing, snowing
It started snowing around 10:00 this morning and has not stopped as of yet. It may snow all night and into tomorrow, according to the radio. The station is in Branson, which is about an hours drive away, so sometimes the weather predictions are somewhat off. They let the schools out early and the grocery store was so packed I had to wait for a shopping cart to use! Everyone is stocking up in case they get "snowed in" for a few days.
Coming from Colorado, this all seems a bit silly to me. I mean, they have gotten over 50 inches so far this year in Denver and life goes on. Here, we get one inch and the whole town shuts down. I can understand when there is ice under the snow, but today it just started snowing with no rain before so there is no ice. The highway was dry and as long as the snowplows do their thing, the town should still be able to function.